City’s Quarterly Electronic Recycling Day Scheduled

~On-site document shredding will be available~

WHO:   Department of Public Works

WHAT:   E-Cycle Day for City residents. Items accepted include all household electronic
              items (e.g. computers, monitors, radios, vacuum cleaners, microwaves, etc.);
              Gone 4 Good Shred will be on-site for document shredding. Residents can dispose
              of up to five boxes of unwanted paper.

WHEN:  Saturday, September 13

               9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

WHERE:  1710 N. Boulevard

                 (corner of North Boulevard and Robin Hood Road)

BACKGROUND:  The City of Richmond’s E-Cycle Day offers City residents an efficient and green option to recycle unwanted electronics. There is a $7 recycling fee for televisions. All other items will be recycled free of charge. Fluorescent light bulbs and large appliances will not be accepted.  For more information on City services, schedules and events visit