
Showing posts from August, 2012

RVA Shoppers’ Shuttle Schedule Updated

The City of Richmond advises that the RVA Shoppers’ Shuttle, the monthly grocery shuttle offering transportation for Richmond residents, will modify its schedule to accommodate the new Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits schedule. The Virginia Department of Social Services will now issue SNAP benefits on the first, fourth, seventh, and ninth days of the month. The day will be determined by the last digit of a recipient’s case number. The RVA Shoppers’ Shuttle will now operate on the second and ninth day of each month and the third Saturday of each month.  All pick-up locations will have a final destination at the Walmart SuperCenter at 2410 Sheila Lane. The Shuttle serves the communities of Hillside Court, Fay Tower, Creighton Court, Fairfield, Mosby, Whitcomb, and Fulton. The shuttle service grew out of preliminary recommendations of the Mayor’s Food Policy Task Force.  The pilot RVA Shoppers’ Shuttle program is focused on areas of the city dee...