Richmond 300: Parking Study Materials
At a recent meeting, DESMAN and VHB (the parking consultants) presented the parking existing conditions, which include an inventory of parking (number of spots) and an occupancy analysis (number of cars in the spots). Some of the most interesting maps they showed are the "utilization maps" which show the parking hot spots in the neighborhoods - see the links below to view the utilization maps for each neighborhood. Please review the meeting materials and provide your comments in this survey by July 8, 2018. (If you attended one of the meetings and filled out the printed version of this form, you do not need to fill this out again.) All the meeting materials can be found on the Richmond 300 website and by clicking on the links below: Brookland Park Blvd/Six Points Key takeaways: public assets have additional capacity to support non-public uses, standardization of curbside stalls would make utilization more efficien...