
Showing posts from October, 2020

Office of Minority Business Development, Capital One partner in the Diverse Supplier Mentoring Program

Office of Minority Business Development, Capital One partner in the Diverse Supplier Mentoring Program Today, the City of Richmond’s Office of Minority Business Development and Capital One officially announced the   “Diverse Supplier Mentoring Program.”   Led by Capital One, the program provides business owners with the tools, resources and counsel needed to succeed in today’s marketplace. A part of Capital One’s Impact Initiative, the program aims to accelerate the success of small business owners to create more jobs, strengthen the local economy and move our society toward a more equitable future.   Ten businesses have been selected to participate in the program, which will pair associates with business owners to develop sustainable models that accelerate year over year growth, profitability and key operating metrics. The program will also consist of seven formal classes: Intro to Legal, Design Thinking, Social Media, Accounting & Cash Flow, Cybersecurity, Change Ma...

Disability Employment Awareness Month Job Fair

In recognition of October as National Disability Employment Awareness Month, the City of Richmond, Office of Aging and Disability Services and Anthem Healthkeepers Plus will be presenting a job fair on Tuesday, October 27, 2020.   This virtual session will be conducted  from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm and will consist of employers and resource providers to support the lives of individuals with disabilities. Participating employers will be assigned a virtual room in the Zoom Platform where they will be able to provide an overview of their company and current employment opportunities, as well as interact with job seekers.  If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact Yvette Jones, Program Manager in the Office of Aging & Disability Services at or at 804-646-3054. Register here: ##

Veterans Day National Committee Poster

  National Veterans Day posters from 2020 as selected by the Veterans Day National Committee. Each year the committee publishes a commemorative Veterans Day poster from artwork submitted by artists nationwide and distributes the winning design to VA facilities, military installations around the world, and across cities and towns in our nation. The poster serves as the cover of the official program for the Veterans Day Observance at Arlington National Cemetery. Interesting Poster Facts: 2020 Poster: The theme for the 2020 Veterans Day Poster is: “Vision: Veterans in Focus.” The designer, Casey Brown, is a Marine Corps Veteran who served in the infantry and was deployed to Iraq. He has volunteered at the Salt Lake City VA Medical Center and was hired by the Salt Lake City Fiduciary Hub as part of the Veterans Benefits Administration. The poster features silhouettes of Veterans helping each other climb a mountain, with supporters of the community cheering them on. The black color of t...

DPW Kicking Off the 2020-2021 Leaf Collection Season on October 5

Bagged collection begins October 5; vacuum services starts November 2 Fall is here, which means it’s almost that time of year. The Department of Public Works kicks off the city’s annual Leaf Program on October 5 with the start of bagged leaf collection. Residents have two options for bagged collection, (1) put out up to 10 bags weekly on their regular trash pick-up day, or (2) use the Sector Collection system, which coincides with trash collection days, but allows for an unlimited number of bags and an extended collection period. Biodegradable bags are preferred.  Sector 1: Wednesday trash collection. All bagged leaves will be picked up between November 4 and November 18. Sector 2: Thursday trash collection. All bagged leaves will be picked up between November 19 and November 29.  Sector 3: Monday trash collection. All bagged leaves will be picked up between November 30 and December 14. Sector 4: Tuesday trash collection. All bagged leaves will be picked up between December 15...