PUBLIC NOTICE: City of Richmond Consolidated Plan Public Hearing
The City of Richmond is extending the public comment period for its 2013-15 Consolidated Plan and its 2013-14 Annual Action Plan until May 12, 2013. These documents combine the planning, application, and reporting requirements for four HUD entitlement programs for which the City of Richmond receives funds: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnership (HOME), Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG), and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA). Comments, written and verbal, may be provided to Mr. Daniel Mouer at the Richmond Department of Economic and Community Development, 1500 E. Main Street, Room 400, Richmond, VA 23219, (804) 646-7025, . In addition, a public hearing for these documents will be held by Richmond City Council on May 6, 2013 at 12:00 p.m. (this is a change in time from previous notice) in Council Chambers located in City Hall, 900 E. Broad Street. The City of Richmond does not discriminate on the bas...