City Customizes Traffic Plan for Monument Avenue 10k

~New traffic management system to help flow of traffic~

This Saturday, in support of the Ukrop’s Monument Avenue 10k, the City of Richmond will be creating a custom traffic management plan with the goal of maximizing the flow of traffic and of race participants to and from the Monroe Park area. Through collaboration with Richmond Police, Emergency Management, Sports Backers and the Department of Public Works Traffic Engineering Division, the City has identified roads that historically have been congested and will modify traffic light cycle times in response to that data. Additionally, a traffic engineer will be onsite in the City's Mobile command post to make tweaks to the system in real time as necessary.

The City of Richmond Department of Public Works has recently completed 75% installation of a new state of the art traffic management system for the core of the City. In the next several years, this system will be installed throughout the City. "The advancements in this system are what make it possible to create or modify traffic patterns more efficiently in response to specific events," said Mayor Dwight C. Jones. "It is hoped that with this new system, the City will successfully reduce transit times and improve traffic patterns in and out of the City for scheduled special events. With some of the major events we have on the horizon, I am pleased that we are testing and improving upon our capacity for customized traffic management approaches at this time."