New Signage in City Residential Traffic Circles Makes Traffic Pattern Similar to Roundabouts
Motorists who frequent neighborhoods that have traffic calming circles will notice new signage that gives traffic in the circle the right-of-way over cars approaching the circle from side streets. Additional yield signs are being erected at each of the more than 40 calming circles in the city. The modification comes as a result of changes in the Code of Virginia that mandate the same treatment for roundabouts, traffic circles and rotaries, which the code collectively refers to as “circular intersections.”
Once the changes are implemented over the next several months, all drivers will know to yield to the circulating traffic, whether in a roundabout or a traffic circle. The change will make the smaller circles, designed to reduce speed, operate in a similar fashion as the larger roundabouts, designed to replace traffic signals.
All drivers are encouraged to take extra caution at all circular intersections, as it generally takes two to four weeks to adjust to the new traffic pattern.
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