Improvements to RVA311 Request System, November 2019

Significant improvements to several Public Works request types will be implemented in RVA311 on November 1. Changes will separate out some request types that were previously combined, resulting in three benefits:1.    It will be easier to find the right request for your needs
2.    Submissions will be more accurate
3.    Requests will route to the appropriate internal team more efficiently
Two other, similar request types will be combined for ease of use.
In addition, descriptions of these requests have been completely rewritten to explain clearly to citizens what process they need to follow and what to expect when submitting a request.
  1. “Parking Application” has been separated into two distinct requests: "Request Handicap Parking Sign" and "Request Residential Parking Permit." Request routing has been improved.
  2. “Paid Services” Request has been redesigned into three distinct requests, tailored to each need to be easier to use for both citizens and Solid Waste staff: "Request Residential Trash Can," "Request Business Trash Can or Services Change," and "Request Paid Bulk or Appliance Pick Up."
  3. Currently combined “Public Litter / Storm Debris” will be separated into two distinct requests to improve submission accuracy: "Report Litter on Public Property" and "Request Collection of Storm Debris."
  4. Separate Public and Private Graffiti requests have been combined into single request: "Report Graffiti."
  5. Two new "Info Only" Requests Added: "How to Request Police Attendance at Community Event" and "How to Report a Gas Leak."
  6. "Paid Leaf Service" has been enabled for the season.

Citizen Service & Response will continue to make enhancements to requests in the future based on public and internal feedback, usage data and analysis.