In accordance with HUD citizen participation requirements, a 30-day public comment period for the amendment to 2019 Annual Action Plan (City FY 2020) will begin on June 26, 2020, and will end on July 26, 2020. By this notice the City of Richmond announces the availability of the Amended 2019 Annual Action Plan Budget, is ready for public review and comment.
On Monday, July 27, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers, the Richmond City Council will hold a public hearing on an amendment to the 2019 Annual Action Plan and FY 2019-2020 budget for CARES Act funding related to COIVID-19 pandemic for Community Development Block Grant COVID-19 (CDBG-CV), Emergency Solutions Grant COVID-19 (ESG-CV) and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS COVID-19 (HOPWA-CV). The additional funds are a result of the CARES Act passed by Congress and signed by the President in March of 2020 to address the Corona Virus Pandemic. These funds were allocated to the City from the U. S. Department of Housing & Urban Development to address the City of Richmond priorities as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic that have been identified in the 2019 Annual Action Plan.
The following project budget amendments have been recommended for CDBG-CV, ESG-CV and HOPWA -CV allocations to undertake the following activities to address the COVID-19 pandemic:
Project Name |
Agency | 2019-2020 Proposed Amendment |
MBL Virtual Assistance & Resilience Project | MBL | $80,000 | Project will assist 500 low and moderate income business owners or persons wanting to start a business. |
GRCoC Pandemic Response: Residential Workforce Program | Homeward | $234,456 | Project will assist 100 extremely low income adults with job training and lodging. |
Housing and Financial Counseling | CCC | $50,920 | Provide assistance to 50 households who have been financially affected by COVID-19. |
Re-employment Assistance | BHC | $150,000 | Project will assist 150 low and moderate income residents with their career navigation program. |
High Risk Shelter at R Street Center | SA | $27,339 | Project will assist 63 persons at the emergency shelter on R Street. |
Rapid Re-Housing Employment Services | SJV | $50,000 | Provide 50 low-mod income households with rapid re-housing/financial assistance |
Housing Stability - Eviction Diversion Program | Home Inc. | $150,000 | Project will assists 60 tenants with eviction division and 100 with education and case management. |
Grant Administration | HCD | $100,000 | Provide grant administration for the CDBG-CV funds. |
CDBG-CV Surplus | HCD | $1,840,834 | Surplus CDBG-CV funds will be reprogramed for eligible activities in the next round of funding. |
Total CDBG-CV |
| $2,683,549
Agency | 2019-2020 Proposed Amendment |
HomeAgain Richmond 2nd St ER Shelter | Homeagain | $79,263 | Provide 50 temporary emergency shelter beds each night and support. |
GRCOC Pandemic Response Non-congregate Shelter | Homeward | $614,003 | Provide 500 individuals with non-congregate pandemic shelters, exit 350 clients to permanent housing, provide 3 meals a day all to very low and low income households. |
GRCOC Housing Management Information System (HMIS) | Homeward | $2,500 | Provide support current to HMIS tracking activities by creating additional reports to track HOPWA-CV & ESG-CV activities |
Shelter & Case Management COVID-19 | CARITAS | $100,000 | Provide Emergency Shelter & case management to address the increase in expenses incurred during COVID-19 |
ER Housing for LGBTQ+ Youth in Crisis | SBS | $100,000 | Shelter/housing operations/case management for 15 LGBTQ+ youth |
Eviction Prevention | BHC | $316,193 | Rental deferment program: assist BHC renters by adjusting their lease to reduce rent/defer payment until employment is regain. |
Hillard House/Building Neighbors | HFF | $60,000 | Will provide 160 families (men, women and children) with emergency shelter and rapid re-housing assistance |
Street Outreach Worker | DP | $50,000 | Project will hire a new Street Outreach Worker. Worker will connect 75 uninsured/homeless individuals to Daily Planet health services and COVID-19 assessment/testing center. Connect 30 uninsured/homeless to permanent supportive housing. |
Grant Administration | HCD | $30,000 | Provide grant administration for the ESG-CV funds. |
ESG-CV Surplus | HCD | $1,954,273 | Surplus ESG-CV funds will be reprogramed for eligible activities in the next round of funding. |
Total ESG-CV |
| $3,306,232 |
Agency | 2019-2020 Proposed Amendment |
Commonwealth Catholic Charities HOPWA | CCC | $45,000 | Project will assist 25 low and moderate income households with case management and Short term rent, mortgage and utility assistance. |
Grant Administration | HCD | $11,666 | Provide grant administration for the HOPWA-CV funds. |
HOPWA-CV Surplus | HCD | $137,779 | Surplus HOPWA-CV funds will be reprogramed for eligible activities in the next round of funding. |
Total HOPWA-CV |
| $194,445
Copies of the amended 2019 Annual Action Plan are available for public review online on the Department of Housing and Community Developments website located at Citizens can also request a hard copy or electronic copy via e-mail or US Mail. To request a copy, contact Daniel Mouer at or by mail at the City of Richmond, Department of Housing & Community Development, 1500 E Main Street, Suite 400, Richmond VA 23219-3571. The City of Richmond does not discriminate on the basis of disability status in the admission of, or access to, or treatment in its federally assisted programs or activities. Virginia Relay Center - TDD Users - 1-800-828-1120.
Citizens and interested persons are invited to give their views regarding the use of CDBG-CV, ESG-CV and HOPWA-CV funds for the proposed Annual Action Plan. The City will arrange for reasonable accommodations for non-English speaking persons or those persons with visual, hearing, or mobility impairments when notified within five (5) business days of the close of the public comment period. Submit comments and views in writing to: Daniel Mouer, Housing and Community Development Administrator, Housing and Community Development, 1500 E. Main Street, Suite 400, Richmond, VA 23219-3571 or by e-mail to
De acuerdo con los requerimientos de participación ciudadana que tiene HUD, el período de 30 días para comentarios públicos sobre el Plan Consolidado 2016-2020 y sobre el Plan de Acción propuesto para el año 2020-21 (Año Fiscal (FY) 2021 para la Ciudad) que comenzó el 7 de mayo, 2020, ha sido extendido hasta el 20 de julio, 2020.
También se avisa que el Concejo de la Ciudad de Richmond llevará a cabo una audiencia pública sobre el Plan Consolidado 2016-2020 y el Presupuesto del Plan de Acción Propuesto para el 2020-21, el lunes 27 de julio, 2020 a las 6:00 p.m. (esto es un cambio en la fecha del aviso anterior, ya que no hubo audiencia pública el día 8 de junio, 2020) en las Cámaras del Concejo ubicadas en la Alcaldía, 900 E. Broad Street. La audiencia será sobre los Fondos de Community Development Block Grant (CDBG por sus siglas en inglés), HOME Investment Partnership (HOME), Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG por sus siglas en inglés), y programas de Oportunidades de Vivienda para para personas con SIDA (HOPWA por sus siglas en inglés). Los fondos de HOPWA le son asignados a la Ciudad para toda el Área Metropolitana Richmond-Petersburg.
El Plan servirá como un documento de planificación comprehensivo donde se discuten las necesidades de desarrollo y vivienda de la comunidad de Richmond con especial énfasis en la provisión de viviendas decentes, un ambiente adecuado para vivir, prevención y asistencia a vagabundos, ayuda a la comunidad con necesidades especiales y a la expansión de oportunidades económicas, particularmente para personas de ingresos bajos y moderados.
Copias del Plan Consolidado 2016-2020 y del Plan de Acción Propuesto para el 2020-21 están disponibles para la revisión del público, ya sea que lo solicite vía email o por correo postal. Para solicitar una copia, contacte a Daniel Mouer, o por correo postal, al Departamento de Viviendas y Desarrollo Comunitario, de la Ciudad, 1500 E Main ST, Oficina 400, Richmond VA 23219-3571. La Ciudad de Richmond no discrimina sobre la base de su estado de incapacidad física a la hora de admisión, tratamiento o acceso a sus programas o actividades financiados con fondos federales. Centro para Impedidos Audiovisuales de Virginia – Usuarios de TDD - 1-800-828-1120.
Todos los ciudadanos y personas interesadas está invitados a asistir a la audiencia pública y dar sus puntos de vista con relación al uso de los fondos para los programas de CDBG, HOME, ESG y HOPWA propuestos en el Plan Consolidado Quinquenal y en el Plan Anual de Acciones. La Ciudad hará los arreglos necesarios para acomodar a las personas que no hablan inglés o para aquellas personas con impedimentos audiovisuales o de movilidad, si es notificada con cinco (5) días hábiles previos a la reunión. Enviar sus comentarios o puntos de vista por escrito, dirigiéndolos a: Daniel Mouer, Housing and Community Development Administrator, Housing and Community Development, 1500 E. Main Street, Suite 400, Richmond, VA 23219-3571 o por correo electrónico a: